Dear JIC family,
On Friday, May 19th 2023, Jakarta International College – Menteng Campus received a visitation from Monash University representatives from various faculties. The event was held to give students and parents a chance to meet and consult directly with each faculty’s representatives, giving them an in-depth insight into their desired major.
Around ten representatives participated in the event to represent the faculties, including Business, IT, Arts and humanities, education, Engineering, and Monash University Malaysia. We hope this event could help give students the insights and information they need to choose their major and prepare for their desired course of study.
For those of you who want to study in Australia, Monash University is one of the best options you can choose from. Monash University is not only one of Australia's best universities but also one of the top 50 universities in the world. Monash also has various subjects in the world’s top 50s ranking, such as Pharmacy, Nursing, Education, Business, and many more.
As the official provider of Monash College Australia, JIC is here as a solution for all of you who wish to go to Monash University. With JIC, you can stay in Indonesia for a year and transfer to Monash for your second year of university.
We would like to thank all the Monash University representatives who have participated in the event and the students and parents who have visited the event. Thank you, and see you again at JIC.