Jakarta International College

Dear JIC Family,

We're delighted to share some exciting news and extend our congratulations to one of our alumni, Crizio Haggai Sinuraya. Crizio recently won the Adobe Digital Edge Awards 2023—a significant achievement. The competition, hosted by Adobe, drew more than 1,400 entries from across the United States, making Crizio's win all the more impressive. As the top contestant, he received a prize of $10,000.


Crizio's journey to this achievement began during his time at Western Michigan University, where he was tasked with creating an advertising campaign for an unusual patent in an Advertising and Promotion class. Crizio's creativity led him to conceptualize a smartwatch for dogs. He transformed this idea into a professional campaign, including video ad storyboards, magazine ads, and banner ads.

Originally from Jogjakarta, Crizio was among the first students to enrol in our 3+1 program, which allows students to study in Indonesia for three years before transferring to Western Michigan University. He is currently pursuing Digital Marketing and will receive his diploma in December.

We want to congratulate Crizio for his impressive achievement and wish him success in his future endeavours. We appreciate his representation of JIC in this competition.

Thank you, and we hope to see you at JIC soon.

Best regards,